A: I roll alone. This is how I prefer it.
Me: If you change your mind, no problem.
A: I’m not going to change my mind. But I will bring abottle of Blue Moon.
Me: Sounds awesome. Love the idea. Can’t wait to see you.
A: Looking forward.
Our IM conversation ends. Another smile forms on my face; there seems to be a lot to smile about.
* * * *
Jimmy catches me on Mobin Street in the city. I just happen to be walking out of my favorite bookstore when he sees me, nails me with a hug, and says, “Long time no see.”
Truth is, every time I just happen to accidentally bump into his bearish body in the city, I still feel his cock in my rump: all ten inches of it jutting in and out of my tight hole—reckless and horny.
“What are you reading?” he asks, pointing at the book in my right hand.
I show it to him. “The latest nonfiction piece by Felice Picone.”
“I love him.”
“Who doesn’t?” It sounds a bit pissy exiting my mouth, but whatever.