Chapter 3

Already Pan could see the taller man had inherited all the confidence. He entered, smiling and looking directly at those who had gathered to witness their arrival. His brother held his head high though his expression was one of nervousness. His eyes remained focused on the way ahead and one of his hands was a fist that was clenching and unclenching against his naked thigh.

When they arrived at the base of the dais where the king’s throne was positioned, they bowed in silence then stood with their hands clasped in front of them.

King Seronisis remained seated, but a quick glance told Pan that he was pleased to see these distant cousins.

“Welcome. Welcome,” he said. “Which of you is Athor and which is Nenim?”

The tall, confident one stepped forward and replied, “I am Athor, Sire. And this is my brother, Nenim.”

The king acknowledged each of them with a nod. “So now we have your names. I trust it was a pleasant journey.”