Chapter 4

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The following morning, after breakfast, Seronisis sent for Athor and Nenim.

“Naturally a king must know his subjects,” Seronisis began when his cousins arrived. “He must also be familiar with the lands over which he reigns. To this end I am sending both of you out to explore the kingdom and its people, and I won’t expect either of you back before the week’s end. I will, however, expect a full report of your journey.”

Without speaking a single word, Athor and Nenim bowed and then backed respectfully out of the room.

After seven nights had come and gone, Athor arrived back at the palace looking dirty and rather worse for wear. Seronisis sent for him immediately.

“What have you to report?” asked the king from his throne.

Athor smiled. “Sire, your lands are as beautiful as they are vast. I’ve seen the forests and the farmlands, the beaches and the mountains, and I’ve met all manner of people.”

“And what of those people?” asked Seronisis.