Chapter 7

Pan shuffled across to the middle of the mattress. “I can assure you that this isn’t the way to achieve your aims and if you come any closer, I’ll be forced to hit you.”

Athor’s smile wavered then returned. “Please sir, I just want to make you feel good.”

He reached across and as his fingertips touched Pan’s erection, Pan’s fist connected with Athor’s chin.

Athor was sent flying backwards to the floor. “Is this how you treat your guests?” he said rubbing his chin and exercising his jaw.

“I warned you,” said Pan, getting out of bed in readiness to hit Athor again if he needed to.

“If you won’t let me touch it, perhaps I could suck it for you.” He rubbed his jaw again. “Though I’m not sure how good I’ll be with an injured jaw.”

He propped himself up on one arm. Pan’s semi-erect cock was now only inches from his face.