Chapter 6

“This is to be a fair fight,” the king explained. “I want to see your skill with the sword, not how quickly you can fell your opponent.” The king stepped back beneath one of the broad arches surrounding the courtyard and raised his hand. “Ready?”

Each of the four men gave a discreet nod, none of them taking their eyes off their opponent, and the king dropped his hand. “Commence!”

Pan stood next to King Seronisis and watched as Athor began swinging like a madman at his opponent. He also noted how Nenim was taking a different approach, defending himself rather than attacking. Both men fought well. Pan couldn’t help noticing, as well, the way the men’s muscles bulged and flexed as they fought and the power in their sword strokes. Fortunately, it appeared the men were evenly paired, although Athor, due to his aggressiveness, had already sustained a deep slash to his upper arm.