Chapter 9

“I think I’ve been rather rash,” he admitted. “Seronisis is probably beside himself with worry. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going.”

His mother reached out and rested the palm of her hand in the small of her son’s back. “See how sharing a problem can reduce the boulder on your shoulders to a mere pebble in your shoe.”

Pan nodded. “I should return to him, but not tomorrow. I want to enjoy my family a bit longer. Besides, it might do him good to worry about me a little.”

Margette laughed. “You’re wicked,” she said, giving his back a gentle rub. “But I love you dearly.”

With the house so full of people, Pan had to sleep in the attic where he had played as a small boy. Freya had made him up a simple bed comprised of a straw-filled mattress, a duck down pillow, and a quilt, and despite the luxury he was used to, Pan found his simple bed surprisingly comfortable.