Chapter 10

He began backing away, dividing his attention between the way ahead and the way behind. Suddenly, a horse appeared from between the trunks of two massive trees. Pan’s eyes were wide as he recognised the rider. Seronisis.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised. “You almost scared me to death.”

Seronisis dismounted. “I came looking for you,” he said as he walked over to the moss-covered rock. “When I realised you’d gone, it didn’t take me long to realise where I’d find you.”

Pan nodded. He found it strangely difficult to look Seronisis in the eye.

“Pan,” King Seronisis said as he came to a stop at the base of the rock, “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you told me about Athor. It was wrong of me. I was confused and hurt.”

“Do you believe me now?”

“Of course, I do.”

“So you consulted the Seeing Crystal? Is that how you know I was telling the truth?”

Pan almost didn’t want to hear the answer.