Chapter 11

The king withdrew slowly and both men collapsed onto the rock. Pan rested his head against the king’s chest and for a long while they lay together, staring up through the forest canopy.

“We should get going, my love,” said Seronisis finally.

Pan agreed. They dressed and after mounting the king’s steed, they rode back to the cottage, where a retinue of the king’s staff were waiting in the front yard.

“What’s all this?” asked Pan as they approached the gate. “It’s a little excessive, isn’t it?”

“Not for a holiday,” Seronisis replied. “Our holiday.”

“Our holiday?” said Pan. “But what about Nenim and Athor? What about choosing your successor?”

“It’s been done,” said the king. “Can you guess who the new king is to be?”

“I can guess who it isn’t,” said Pan with a smirk. “I think Nenim will make a fine monarch.”

The king smiled. “You must be psychic,” he said. “How could it be anyone else?”

“And what of Athor? What’s become of him?”