Chapter 13

“Excuse me?”

She shook her head. “I think young Rivenhall is trying to get your attention. The poor boy is too polite to tell Ada she’s stuffed full of wild blueberry muffins.”

“Excuse me?”

“Dance me over to your father. I believe he needs rescuing from Algernon Mann.”

* * * *

Father excused himself from Mr. Mann and began dancing with Mother, leaving me with Mr. Mann.

Before I could escape, he grabbed my arm and demanded, “What’s Kennedy doing, trying to put a man in space?”

Just a month earlier, Scott Carpenter had orbited the planet three times in the Aurora space capsule, and that was a year after the president had announced the goal of putting a man on the moon within the decade. Mr. Mann glared at me as if I, personally, had convinced the president that we needed to get into the space race.

“If the good Lord had wanted us to go to the moon—”