Chapter 14

“Thanks,” Hazelton said. “I’ll explain the situation when you get to Langley. It’s…uh…not something that should be discussed over the phone.”

“I understand. I’ll see you in about forty-five minutes.”

“Thanks, Jeff. Bye.”

“So long, Steve.” I hung up. “Ludo, I’m sorry, I have to—”

“—go. I heard.” He came to me and brushed a kiss over my lips. I was surprised to see he was already dressed, his morning coat draped over his arm. “Let’s not wait for another year to go by before we do this again.”

He let himself out, and I swung my legs off the bed and sat staring at the door, touching my lips. I was surprised he’d kissed me, but then I realized it was nothing more than a brief farewell. It would have been nicer if it had been deeper, but…