Chapter 15

“Where back east?”

“Upstate New York.”

“You said a few years ago.” Leander studied him. “How old are you? You look, maybe thirty at the most.”

“Twenty-nine. I was nineteen when I came down here.” Caiden wondered why Leander seemed to be prying, if that’s what he was doing. It could just be a way of making conversation until their food arrived.

“If you like the city, why live so far from it?”

Caiden shrugged. “I said I liked the area. Being in the heart of the city, any city, isn’t my thing. I like my privacy.”

“Just the opposite of me. I love the Quarter. The hustle-bustle, the people.” Leander grinned. “Even the tourists.”

“Good thing, considering your job.”

“No kidding.” Leander eyed Caiden speculatively. “What do you do for entertainment?”

“Take in a movie occasionally. Once in a blue moon I might go to a club on Bourbon, or Frenchman.” Caiden almost laughed when Leander smirked knowingly. “For the music.”

“If you say so.”