Chapter 10

Case closed.

* * * *

I returned to the office and worked the morning along, slowly. Jimmy popped his head into my cube, on a mission to gather information of my day spent with Zeb. He hunched over my desk, in my personal space, and wanted to know everything about my out-of-the-office adventure the previous day.

“Tell me you used the condoms I gave you.”

I shook my head, returned the prophylactics to him, and told him everything about the day except for Ginger’s foreplay with my nuts and Zeb possibly being victimized by Aaron in the boutique’s back room. I also told him about not letting Zeb into my apartment the night before, and how he picked me up that morning for breakfast and a walk.

“Zeb said he likes me,” I told Jimmy. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to sleep together.”

“And what did you say back?”

“I didn’t have the opportunity to say anything back.” I told Jimmy about Copper Carlow’s call to his son and how he needed Zeb’s help at a client meeting.