Chapter 6

“Say what? I mean, I knew you were having sex regularly but…Oh man, that’s wonderful!” I gave him a heartfelt hug. At least someone was happy and getting laid. Perhaps it would be nice to spend some time with my friend and his beau, try to get some perspective.

“And yes, about dinner.”

“Great! I’ll probably be done around seven. I’ll meet you at the elevator and we’ll go to my place. Okay?”

“Sure, and thanks, Tobie. You’re a good friend.”

“Anytime, chico.”

* * * *

I followed Tobie into his apartment and placed my laptop and messenger bag in a corner of the living room, near the couch.

“Hey, baby,” a familiar voice said. I turned around to watch as Malcolm Jones laid a seriously hot kiss on Tobie, who melted in his arms. The kiss lasted for about six seconds. Yes, I was counting.

“Hey yourself, amorcito,” Tobie said, slightly breathless.

Mal stepped away, brushing his thumb against Tobie’s swollen lips, and turned to greet me with a smile and handshake.