“So, aside from him being a major dick, it turns out I remind him of an ex who was a user and fucked him over. Therefore, he lumps me in the same box. At least Lee was trying to defend me.”
“You’re gonna let him get away with that?” Mal asked.
“What the hell can I do about it? His mind seems to be firmly made up.”
“Stand up to him. Show him he’s wrong about you. Somewhere deep down, he’s got to know he’s being unfair. If nothing else, for the sake of your sense of self, you need to set the record straight so you can move on.”
“Easier said,” I replied.
“Needs to be done,” Mal countered.
“How about this?” Tobie cut in. “We all go to Throwbacks. Tonight. Mal hasn’t been there yet, and we’ve been too busy traveling to have much downtime. You come with us and confront him. We’ll be there to back you up. You’ll feel so much better when you do, I promise.”
I thought about it for a minute, and nodded. It was time to face my demons, no matter how scary.