Chapter 9

“I’m sorry about that. There’s nothing between us but a disagreement on…principles, let’s say.”

I could tell Lee was doing his best to read between the lines, but I wouldn’t say anymore.

“Wei kept bitchin’ about his ex-boyfriend turning up and guys who think they know him and haven’t a clue.”

I didhit a sore spot. Good. “Does he get…touchy like that all the time?”

“Yeah. He’s always been tightly wound and driven. For a while, I thought his ex would be good for him because he’s the complete opposite of Wei, and he needs that, you know? But Merrill turned out to be a cheating user of a bastard, and that just made Wei even more cautious. It’s like his heart is surrounded by granite, and the only thing he lets inside is family and some of the people at work. He doesn’t trust anybody anymore, and that’s sad.”