Chapter 4

“I’m fine. Just had a weird experience yesterday with a guy who—”

“Whoa. Stop the presses. A guy? You haven’t mentioned a man in ever.” She stared at me expectantly.

“It’s nothing. He works in Orthopedics and he’s relentless. It’s weird. I keep putting him off but he keeps coming anyway.” I caught her look. “You knowwhat I mean.”

“Well, it would make a nice change of pace for you. Hookups get old, you know? Or at least they wouldif you ever had any.”

“The hookup world hasn’t interested me in years, though it brought you Bevin. We should all be so lucky.”

“Wait and see, my friend.” She logged into her computer and became all business. “Get to work, hon. You have to be on assignment by ten.”

“Ma’am, yes, ma’am!” I mock-saluted her and did as ordered.