“‘Kay,” Jude said. “I won’t touch them on purpose though, yeah?”
“If you don’t pull my hair on purpose.” 18
The moment Anton got into the car on Saturday morning, he knew it was a trap. Because of the way Mum said, “So…” as he put his seatbelt on.
“Kerry said something interesting last night after you went to bed.”
“She told me you and Jude went off to have some serious discussion about something Ellen said.”
Anton flushed. “Oh. Well. Yeah.”
“You’ve told Jude about Ellen?”
“Yeah,” Anton said, relieved Aunt Kerry either hadn’t heard or hadn’t told Mum what exactly they’d been talking about. “He was curious, and Ellen said I ought to talk to him about…about the process and stuff, what I’m doing to transition…”
“Anything in particular?”