Chapter 4

“Why would he be interested in someone like me?”

“I happen to adore someone like you. If I wasn’t pining for someone else…” Spencer took a deep breath, and then admitted to having some issues of his own when it came to love. “I’m stuck on a high school buddy who got married and had a kid. You know Getty…the neighborhood handyman?”

I did know Getty. I knew him well.

“Don’t say anything, because…well…he’s not out, really, so…”

Spencer and Getty, that was a whole other story. What my situation boiled down to was this, I figured; Gordon Whatshisname came running into my life just to get me all stirred up and then he ran right back out, literally. Life was a motherfucker like that sometimes. The end.

Our January thaw came early that year, just like the bitter cold had. It was in the high thirties on the fifth, The Day of the Epiphany, and I was having one of my own. He’s gone. I’m not even going to look the next time the door jingles.