Chapter 14

“That wasn’t your supervisor, I hope.”

“Nope. That was Callie. She knows about you. She’ll push for details later.” He squeezed my hand. We had never let go of one another. “Okay. So that’s November, which still leaves December. As we’re getting to know each other better, talking, hanging out, what else can we do in December that will be…? I know. Spend time with each other’s families. That’s an important step in a relationship, right?”

“Oh God.”

“Come on. I already met your father. I’d love to meet your mother, she of the five reasons.”

“My mother…” I touched the silver charm at my throat.

“What’s that?”

“Monopoly…a hotel. My mother gave it to me the last birthday we…Her name was Kathryn…Kathryn Kelly. She was Irish, too, like you. Katie, everyone called her. We played Monopoly all the time. She died when I was nine.”

“Oh. Oh, Marty…I’m…sorry. We never talked about that…back then.”

“No. It’s hard still. I was young. She was sick a couple of years. I miss her.”