Hours later, as he lay awake watching the clock, he longed for a mug of Cole’s special hot milk recipe. Truth be told, he longed for Cole. Somewhere after five A.M., he drifted off. The alarm woke him at seven. He dragged himself out of bed, dressed, grabbed some coffee, and was at the client’s office before eight.
The chip sets, however, didn’t arrive until noon.
Exasperated and fuming mad, he pushed hard through the afternoon and into the evening, upgrading as many machines as he could. On the way to the motel, he called his boss to relay his progress. “Dan, I’ve done what I can. Who’s the back-up you’re sending? I want to explain what’s left for him to do.”
“Ah, about that…Sorry, I just can’t spare anybody right now. And since you’re already there, you’ll just have to finish up. It shouldn’t take more than another day—two at the most. And remember, you’re earning a full extra week of vacation. That’s a fair exchange. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”