Chapter 59

“Don’t tell me…you’re going to zap me with that magic wand?”

“Don’t be silly, sweetie, it’s a quartz crystal point. And I never zap.”

“Oh, sorry, color me embarrassed.”

“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” she said, smiling, either missing or electing to ignore my heavy sarcasm. “Now, how do I explain these overlapping regions to you so you can understand? How? Hmm…I know. What are you sitting in?”

“Is this a trick question?”

She raised the wand as if to hit me, but I somehow knew she wouldn’t. “Just answer me and learn. What are you sitting in?”

“All right, all right. A chair—one that appears to have been purchased from a yard sale about a million years ago, I’ll wager.”

“I wonder, did they exist back then?”
