Chapter 60

“I’m on the Highway to Hell…Highway to Hell…”

The knife fell from my hand, clanking onto the table. I nearly jumped out of my seat when Bon Scott’s recognizable voice belted out the chorus of AC/DC’s heavy metal classic. Concurrently, a cat screeched, gifting me with another mini heart attack. The animal, pure black except for a patch of white fur that gave it the appearance of wearing a diaper, tore from behind the curtain. It scampered through the bookstore aisles, around my feet, then scurried for cover under a nearby shelving unit.

“…Highway to Hell…Highway to He—”

The track died to a startling silence.

A giggle carried from the storeroom. “Oops, sorry, Matthew—and sorry to you, too, Fancy Pants. Wrong CD.” A moment later, the mellow strains of new-age music filled the air, and the volume blessedly sank to a barely perceptible level.