Chapter 13

Drake sighed when he couldn’t hear any movement on the other side of the door and he turned and went back to his own apartment. It wasn’t like Jay to just disappear on him. He didn’t like it one damn bit.

Plopping down on his sofa, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and located Jay’s number. When he went to voice mail again, Drake hung up. There was little point to leaving yet another message Jay wouldn’t return.

He began to wonder if Jay was avoiding him on purpose. He couldn’t imagine why, but what else could it be? He didn’t want to think something bad had happened to Jay. The young man wasn’t really a high risk victim other than being gay. And there was that. But he hadn’t heard of any recent gay bashing incidents in the area.

Drake’s next plan to look for Jay would be the store where he worked, he guessed.

And then he heard footsteps in the hall. It could be another neighbor though so he waited. Then he heard a knock on Jay’s door.

“Pizza Palace,” a guy yelled.