Chapter 14

Drake nodded, smiling a little. “Yeah, and now it really is your scarf.”

“You-you bought this for me?”

“Yes, of course. Who else do I know who loves scarves? And who else do I know that loved thatscarf?”

“I don’t understand.” Jay shook his head. “Why? Why would you buy this for me?”

“Because you loved it and I wanted to make you smile,” Drake explained, though he had to wonder when the gift was going to make Jay smile. He didn’t look happy with the scarf at all.

What the fuck?

“It’s-it’s really sweet. But I can’t accept it.” He pushed the box into Drake’s hand.

“You can’t accept it? Why not?”

“Because, I know. I know how you really think, how you really feel about me,” Jay said, his words coming out in a rush, his cheeks flushed a bright pink. And his eyes glistened a little, like maybe he was going to cry.

“How I feel? Jay?”

“Ross told me everything.”