Chapter 21


“Don’t move away from me, Jay.” And then his lips were on Jay’s, plundering them almost savagely, hard and desperate. Scents of the French vanilla coffee wafted up from the mugs next to them, but the coffee was forgotten as Drake slid his tongue between Jay’s plump, soft lips.

Jay’s hands rested on Drake’s arms, his fingers gripping them like he had to hold on for dear life. With a groan, Drake shifted closer, until their bodies lined up, the hard ridges of their cocks rubbing against each other.


Drake’s hands rose to thread through Jay’s silky, blond hair, and he tilted Jay’s head to give him better access to the mouth he couldn’t get enough from. If he couldn’t make himself make sense with words, maybe he could get how he felt across to Jay through his body.

And, God, he wanted Jay. Wanted to be buried in his sweet, round, tight ass. Again and again.
