Chapter 22

“Ah, damn.” Drake shook, his cock leaping at the contact of Jay’s warm hand over the material of his boxers.

Drake stood, suddenly desperate to get all clothes as far from them as possible, wanting skin against skin. Finally ridding Jay of his slacks and underwear, he yanked his jeans and boxers off.

“Scoot up just a little,” he said.

Jay grinned and undulated up the mattress a few inches. “More?”

“No, perfect.” Drake knelt on the edge of the bed and lifted Jay’s legs, giving him access to what he sought. His mouth closed over Jay’s leaking cock, drawing the tip in slowly, his tongue darting over the slit.

“Oh, God. Drake.” Jay moaned, lifting his ass farther off the bed. Drake sucked the shaft farther into his mouth, swallowing as he did. Jay’s fingers dug into the blankets on the bed.