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I feel somewhat.. Attractive (Edited)

Author's notes:

Edited the chap.


he was trembling from the 1v5 fights, this sensation this this.. this feeling that he gets from the 1v5 fights 'its amazing' he thought.

the sensation and feeling of 1 tapping the enemies.. the sensation and feeling of tricking your enemies..

the sensation and feeling of destroying your enemies.. it feels amazing he thought, but he remembered that if it weren't for the system he wouldn't even feel this amazing feeling that his having right now.

'more i want to hit more headshots' Louc thought with stars glittering in his eyes. Louc amazed 'is this the feeling that pro's get when they're clutching..?' 'amazing..'

"hey. hey.. HEY DUDE! " Stewie said trying to communicate with Louc.

Louc then returned to reality "yeah what is it?" Louc asked.

"what's your paypal.." stewie said while he was frustrated that he lost the bet with chat.

Louc then told him his paypal and waited for the money to arrive, when the money arrived he was excited as this was the first money that he recieved playing a game, it made him more excited to the fact that he can start making money from the thing that he loved to do. '100$ one small step for Louc a bigger step for the future.' he thought.

'those flicks.. the rotation.. the map awareness... the playstyle.. the aim the reactions.. who is this dude..?' stewie thought as he hasn't seen anyone with a super agressive plastyle.

"Who are you?" Stewie asked

"Im Lucifer." Louc then chuckled at his answer, he wanted to joke a little.

Louc had no idea who he was talking to and didn't know he would be an overnight star, People we're already talking about him Lucifer.

Louc then left the lobby, Exit out of the game and decided to sleep so he can start fresh tomorrow. Sleeping like a king no one to disturb him just him sleeping like there's no tomorrow. "this is a good day" he said then went to sleep.


A few seconds ago.

After Louc said "Im Lucifer" he left the lobby, stewie was talking to chat to process what happened.

"that guy.. he is a monster the movements the aim, the flicks, the reactions, the map awareness, he is a top level, no im wrong, a world level fps player it doesn't matter if its csgo, i believe that he can easily destroy other people in other games mainly (fps). when stewie said this the chat went crazy.


ActuallyGood:Holy shit did you see his nasty flick on that dude? that was fucking nasty the dude did him dirty

Yourmom:The one above holy shit did you see his aim too? that was incredible

Ineedproof: He is cheating i know it look at the way he aims its so fucking obvious. Stewie then saw this comment and puts it on the stream for the people to see.

Feelsbadman:Lol this dude actually thinks his cheating the fuck you on about? want me to cuck you?

Luciferfan1:Your just fucking jealous shut your ass up before i fuck you up.

Fan2:Haters gonna hate kekw

The haters wanted to refute back but the number of people who kept smashing them toasting them made them quiet and left the stream. this was a good lesson for the people who were jealous.

Stewie saw the reactions of people to the comment, he smiles as he created a good atmosphere.. is it really good..? well all in all atleast 'Lucifer' didn't get accused of cheating as stewie knows the pain of getting accused.

Viewers:Actually A God+50,829


while Louc was in a 1v5 stewie's stream became more lively and people started sharing it eventually the stream reached 50k+ viewers it just kept going up people praised Louc for his skill to play the game so damn well, it was like watching god play with 5 ants, correction 9 ants.

the energy Louc gave when he 1v5ed, the people laughed as they we're watching him massacre the 5 players, they felt pity that the enemy faced a god. and this 5 enemies that Louc fought are strong they know how to position themselves they can aim and easily destroy the opponent. So Louc didn't underestimate them and went all out.

Louc's team we're garbage the 3 players of his team, stewie ofc is a really good player but for this match he was playing pretty bad so Louc couldn't really trust anyone in this match other than himself. but with his skills he immediately turn the tides around and massacred his opponents, so for the whole 15 rounds he solo 1v5 them until he won, this is why i said this might possibly be the best comeback in CSGO history.

"Amazing!" stewie said in an excited voice as he thought he might be playing against Louc in the future as enemies. hearing stewie say this the viewers we're excited as well, because they'll be seeing a new competitor.

While Louc was sleeping his new fans we're talking about his aim and his tricky rotation mostly people talked about his aim people didn't really pay attention to rotation and stuff like that only the pro's who saw this knew how difficult it is to move like Lucifer it was like how aladdin flew with his magic carpet, it was simply magical.

if they knew that the lucifer they we're talking about is actually sleeping, snoring in a comfortable position they would be speechless.

The system then mumbled something

[Beginning transformation, the Host is a beautiful Black haired boy/man so The Sytem will only need to tweak a little.] The System said. But louc who was sleeping didn't hear anything and was still sleeping.

Next morning..

"UwaaAH.." Louc woke up and did some stretching.

He opened his curtains and said "What a beautiful day" Its raining Louc likes it best when its raining.

He closed the curtains, and went to the bathroom to do his daily needs, he cooked ramen to eat, when he was in the bathroom he noticed that something happened to his body, he felt lighter, he took a few steps to confirm and he really did felt that he became lighter, next thing he noticed is when he went to his wardrobe to change clothes he noticed that he had an 8-pack... he then checked his arms, biceps, legs he really did transform.

When he was about to sleep Louc heard the system say things but couldn't really hear it because he didn't have anymore energy to move, so he decided to sleep, "did the system do this?" Louc asked amazed at how his body can change overnight.

The System said [Answering your question yes i transformed your body, so it will be much more easier for your team to follow your commands, i made your voice more charming, they said charm makes you a whole different person.]

Louc then noticed in his mirror that his hair grew a little longer his black hair became more smoother, and his eyes feels like he was back when he was 3 years old, he had a perfect vision, his eyes are alot brighter now it contrasts with his bright blue eyes, he became alot more taller, Louc can be considered handsome.

"Thank you System.. really you already gave me alot of this abilities.. and you keep on giving me alot more... ... idk how to repay you." Louc said in a grateful and kind expression.

[...] The System snapped out of her daydream. [Its alright its nothing] the System said.

"Alright its time to start the day with cat vids" Louc then opened up youtube, when he opened up youtube, he noticed something strange at the front homepage of youtube, he saw a video titled, 'Lucifer is coming', the title is a bit strange he thought, then he opened the vid to watch it and he saw his ign (In game name on CSGO), "is that.. me....?" Louc was surprised to see his ign on cs but then he remembered that one of the players yesterday said, "If this dude clutches 1v5 i will eat shit recording myself" he remembered it but he didn't know that the dude recorded the gameplay.

Louc then looked at the views, he saw "2 million views wtf?!" he exclaimed, he then looked at the comments to see what the comments talked about.

He looked at the top comments. seeing the comments he was amazed to see people praising him, but then again he did hit alot of flicks, and 1v5's.

InfinityEdge:Did you see his flicks?? Wtf was that, that was nasty

Stewie2k:Did you guys see his rotation? His rotation is Bullshit what was that, the rotation is just too good. stewie exclaimed.

Powerpuddgirls:15 rounds.. the score was 1-14 they we're losing.. how the fuck did he manage to comeback?!, for 15 straight rounds he 1v5 all of them.. and he won!!

Lordpool:Stewie was pretty trash in this game, if he would've helped Lucifer alot more, Lucifer would not have to carry such a big load.

Louc then felt a surge of excitement and motivation he thought "What if i join a team, with my abilities, i can join any team that i want right?" Louc thought.


Author's notes:

If you noticed the pacing that im using is fast pace.. I think.. idk how to pace..