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Streaming (Edited)

Continuing his thought. Louc started to feel something.. a light a glaring, bursting light in his body. He felt something that he hasn't felt in a long time, The feeling and desire to reach the top of the food chain. Back then he tried his hardest to rise in ranks, but no matter how hard he tried he was always faced with the cruel reality of the world, the thought of "someone is always better than you" made him heartbroken.

But now that he has the system he started regaining it, the 'magic' he used to have.

He felt that if he 1v1 no, even if its a 1v20 or 1v100 he felt that he will not lose.

You see Louc is not arrogant, he was faced with the cruel reality of the world, he was broken down by it, how can a person who faced the truth of the world be arrogant? So Louc dared not Underestimate, he vowed to himself that he would always go all out in every game he plays.

The more Louc reads the comments the more excited and motivated he got, when he finally got done from looking at the comments he then took a look at the top comments again, he saw stewie's comment and thought to himself 'stewie2k? his name feels familiar.' Louc then began to look through his memories because this name in particular looked familiar to him, then a sudden light bulb appeared up his head, he remembered that he played with this guy yesterday when he was testing his new abilities. Louc clicked on stewie's profile and saw that this Stewie wasn't just any ordinary cs player 'holy that's alot' Louc thought as he was amazed to how much subs stewie had, he then saw a link going to stewie's twitch channel, he clicked it and redirected to twitch's website he saw that stewie was streaming, he was currently in lobby talking with chat.

"Sup guys new day new me." Stewie said.

"Is this really stewie?" Chat said

"I dont think so, his spouting bs."

Chat then continued to roast Stewie. Stewie then finally gave in and said what was troubling him.

Stewie2k, Stewie2k is a member of a team called Cloud9 his position on the team is an entry fragger, Smoke Criminal is his nickname, he got the nickname by using tricks with the smoke grenade. Stewie2k is a very aggresive player, he showed his abnormal aggresive playstyle in 2015. Here is some info on my boy Stewie.

"Its nothing its because i couldn't sleep thinking about Lucifer." Stewie exclaimed as he wander through his thoughts.

Chat then said "Thinking about Lucifer's voice makes me question my sexuality" The men said while trying to keep their emotions together.

"Ikr." They all agreed, nodding their heads.

Stewie saw chat's comments and slightly chuckled, Stewie doesn't know that Louc watching him. Louc then blushed a little when he saw the comments about him.. but he quickly snapped out of it and opened csgo when he opened it he noticed that there was a friend request. It was from stewie, Yesterday stewie sent him a friend request when they finished the game, Lucifer then accepted the friend request.

(Lucifer has accepted your friend request) the game said in stewie's screen.

Stewie then saw the notification "hm?" He then saw the name Lucifer, he immediately invited Lucifer into his lobby hoping that he would accept.

Chat saw this and immediately an uproar has been caused in chat the messages are so fast you can't even read what people are saying.


"The one above yes it is YES IT IS"


Chat suddenly became more lively and excited when they saw the name Lucifer.

Chat then said:"INVITE HIM INVITE HIM INVITE HIM INVITE HIM" Chat was chanting 'Invite him' they thought this would summon the Louc.

"Im already 5 steps ahead of you guys, i already invited him the moment he accepted my friend request." Stewie said in an excited voice, thinking that he would play with the man that destroyed the entire enemy team.

Louc on the otherhand "I accept your gratitude" Louc said, when Louc said this he was already thinking about what strat he would use, Earlier Louc searched the name Stewie2k in chrome he wanted to see if this guy was a big shot/big deal, the results popped up and shocked him, he saw that Stewie was a very aggresive player, so he started thinking about how to use this advantage that he'll have when they played later, he started planning his strategies.

Stewie saw that Lucifer accepted his invite and is now in his lobby he then typed. (Vc?) Stewie typed as he wanted to hear his voice so they can communicate alot better. his fans saw this and gave stewie a thumbs up saying he did good.

Louc saw this and hesitated but understood what stewie said, Louc hesitated a little because the thought of people watching him made him a little nervous, yesterday he didn't know that Stewie was a streamer so he wasn't really nervous to talk in vc, but now he was a little nervous but he put the thought away and mustered his courage to turn on the mic to start talking.

"Sup." immediatley when Louc talked a sudden cold tension appeared in the air, the atmosphere became silent when the words came out of Louc's mouth everyone who was watching got chills, in just 1 word everyone became aware of an astounding presence.

Stewie was delighted to hear Louc's voice and started to talk to him.

Chat then heard his voice, and snapped out of their imaginations and started talking about Louc's voice. immediatley.. the world turned upside down.. the chat was moving so fast that it wasn't even showing the comments anymore, it was just a blank space with no words on it.

Stew was just about to start questioning Louc, but he noticed that his chat froze it looked like it crashed, he said to Louc "Give me a sec" he said. While Stewie was trying to figure out why his chat froze.

Louc wanted to ask him something he asked him "Your in a team right?" Louc asked Stewie this and Stewie immediatley removed his focus on twitch's chat, and started to focus on Louc, he said "Yeah i am currently in cloud9 my position on team is an entry fragger. Why did you ask?" Stewie curious why Louc asked him this.

Louc liked the team cloud9 because his idol shroud used to play for c9.

Louc then said "I wanted to join a team, but i remembered that i needed to get a stable fanbase first before i can go into a team, to avoid unnecessary trouble" Louc used his brain and arrived to this answer.

Stewie heard this and it perked him up. he thought 'If i can get him to C9 we can have alot more chances at winning a cup.' Stewie got excited in his imagination thinking of him and Louc holding the cup.

Stewie then proudly said "I'll inform the manager that you we're looking for a team, they might not accept this for now but if you show them your skills i believe you'll easily secure a spot in the team."

Chat is still dead.. Stewie completely forgot about chat.. F's for chat.

Louc heard this, he appreciates the compliments Stewie was giving him, he said "thanks" with a grateful tone.

"But can you do me a favor? I know we just met and all.. but please..?" Louc begged Stewie to teach him the ways.

The chat has been finally fixed and now th chat is working fine but the chat is still going in an abnormal fast rate of refresh.


"Did i just hear L say that he wanted to join a team..? if the team rejects L they shall face wraith of the c9 fans."

The c9 fans we're shocked and extremely happy that stewie told L that he would inform the manager. If they could get a player like L they thought they would have a lot more chances at winning the cup.

"The one above i shall acompany you."

then a sudden chain has started.

"I shall accompany you+1"

"I shall accompany you+31097

it kept rising to unimaginable level, until it finally calmed down a bit.

The chat then recalled a few seconds back, they remembered that L wanted to know how to stream.. Chat then immediately started another Chain telling Stewie to tell L how to stream.

"STEWIE TELL HIM STEWIE TELL HIM STEWIE TELL HIM." another chain started with chat spamming "tell him".

The chat we're going crazy, telling Stewie to teach Louc how to stream.

Stewie then saw chat's comments, even if he didn't see chat, he would have still showed Louc the ways.

Stewie then agreed to Louc's begging and started showing him the basics. how to start the stream. how to do things.

After an hour of explaining things Stewie got tired from all the talking his been doing, He left for a moment to get water, to replenish himself, after Stewie left Louc was all alone by himself with a alot of people, Louc doesn't know that Stewie left to get some water, as Louc was creating his channel he then started saying things out loud "hmm.. what should i name it.." Louc was thinking, he didn't know that he said it out loud as his [Extreme Concentration] was helping him to focus on his task, chat then heard this and started a chain of words "LUCIFER" they started Chanting it more and more.

Stewie then came back and saw what chat was saying he then thought 'wtf? what's going on?' he asked himself.

"Louc why are people chanting Lucifer?" when Stewie was showing the ways to Louc they got alot closer to one another eventually leading to Stewie giving Louc the nickname Luc.

Louc then heard Stewie's question then said in a confused tone "idk? what do you mean?" Louc asked.

Stewie then said confused as well "idk either they're just chanting your name." Both are confused, Stewie then asked chat what they meant. "chat what do you mean? Luc and i, cant understand what you guys are saying." Chat heard what Stewie said then explained. Stewie then got the gist of what chat we're saying and told Luc that chat said to name his twitch channel Lucifer as well. Louc then agreed to what Stewie said as he saw that it fits him.

Louc then set his things up then told stewie that he started his stream. People already started heading to Louc stream room wanting to be the first one to type in Louc's chat room.

Finally the first comment appeared on Louc's chatroom the comment was "im wet"


Louc then bursted out laughing as he was excited to see the first comment in his first stream.

Stewie heard Louc maniacally laughing.

"Ay bro why you laughing?" Stewie asked as he chuckled a little bit hearing Louc laughing maniacally.

"My first comment in my first stream is im wet. " Stewie then heard this and started laughing with Louc as well.

"Alright jokes aside." Stewie then got into a more serious tone, Louc heard Stewie's seriousness and started to focus his attention to Stewie.

Stewie then said "do you have a webcam?" Stewie asked as he was curious if Louc had one. Louc then said yes, he has one but he told stewie that he doesn't know how to turn it on. Stewie laughed at what Louc said "Have you been living under a rock?" Stewie wanted to joke with Louc a little. Louc just ignored Stewie's teasing and just kept focusing on his task at hand.

Stewie then said "Alright here's how you do it" Stewie started explaining how to open the webcam, where to position and more. Finally after alot of trial and errors Louc finally manage to open his webcam showing his face to the whole world.

Stewie exclaimed "what the fuck?" he was shocked at how handsome Lucifer looked.

"Is it on..?" Louc said asking Stewie if it was on.

"Yeah its on dont worry." Stewie answered.

"But dang you didn't tell me you we're that handsome." Stewie said as he wanted to tease Louc.

"God L.. wtf? how can someone be so amazing and so handsome at the same time..." one of the people in Louc's chat said.

"holy shit wtf"

"wtf" thousand of people saw his face and instantly busted a nut.

People we're shocked to see Lucifer's face for the first time, the people in Louc's stream started sharing info that Lucifer face revealed and is now streaming live in Twitch.

(God L Face Reveal?!)

(Lucifer Face Reveal?! OMG *GONE WRONG*)

(God L Streaming?)

A bunch of new videos popped up at the homepage, just with the name Lucifer people started flooding in the vids as they wanted to see the face of the man who 1v5 15 straight rounds.

"I am much better than this mf. "


"The one upstairs, your not worthy of God L" One of the people in Louc's chat room said.

"I agree with the brother above we aren't worthy of God L" People agreed to this comment. but even then, this encouraged alot more "haters" or wannabes.

"Alright lets play a game" Louc told Stewie, and Stewie immediately started matching.

After a few minutes later they finally got a match and accepted it. Louc then felt that he was immersed in the game, that he couldn't hear any noise, only stewie's voice and his and the game is the only things he can hear. [Extreme Concentration] the moment he got into the game, he had already entered the zone.

Game info:

Currently Louc and Stewie started on the CT side. The map they are currently playing on is called Mirage, Mirage is a map where the teams can show their game-changing tactics and thus became a sort of proving ground for the teams brained strategies.

Alot more People has heard of the news of Lucifer doing a face reveal, of course this caused a gigantic wave of people going into his stream, Louc knew this would happen so he decided to use this chance to tell people to follow him, they wont regret it, he said "i'll take you to fly." After he said 5 words immediatley people in their rooms felt a cold breeze for a second then it went into excitement, the excitement woke the entire stream up.

In just 10 minutes the entire chat evolved into xQc's chat.. or should i say devolved..?


Author's notes: So if you have noticed i think this chapter is a lot cleaner.. probably idk, but yes im tryna learn how i can efficiently put the words/learn more words. does that make sense...? well thanks for tuning in on this day's chapter. Tomorrow shall be the day Lucifer creates havoc.

this chapter has alot more words than the last one, its because i got too into writing it and imagined the scene where my mc was holding the cup in the future, it gave me the chills thinking of the applause from the crowd and the Mc Screaming at the top of his lungs, i didn't mention what team he would be playing on where he would win the cup, you think i'd spoil it? i maybe stupid but i know the limits of abusing this privilege.