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Somewhere in the house of the running down mid dwarf jacked short man.

"I think i'll go draven this game." Tyler 1 said whilst still thinking on what to pick.

"Depends i'll just go with a champ that counters someone on their team." T1 said and then started observing.

Back to the Blue team/Blue side, The banning phase ended, next is the picking phase. Louc was the first one to pick a champ so he insta-locked Garen jg.

One of his Teammates saw this and began to type.

Jacksucksass: "Ayo? Bro wtf? why did you insta lock garen?? You could've dodged first pick? your in diamond and you still dont know how to pick in picking phase??" The Member exclaimed shouting out words like a machine gun.

Lucsinlife (Louc): "Relax, trust me." Louc typed. After he was done picking, it was time for the red team to pick more precisely T1's turn to pick.

"Did he just insta-lock garen..? Guys, guys i know i said i would go draven but.. this dude is clearly stupid going garen, so why not pick vayne?" Tyler said jokingly and locked in vayne to counter garen.


Then as time passed finally the match entered into loading phase, loading into battle.

The teams consists of:

Blue team:

Garen (Jungle)

Zed (Mid lane)

Alistar (Support)

Fiora (Baron lane)

Tristana (Dragon lane)

Red team:

Lee sin (Jungle)

Akali (Mid lane)

Braum (Support)

Darius (Baron lane)

Vayne (Dragon lane)

Tyler wanted to go baron lane but his team didn't allow him to, resulting in him changing to dr lane but that was the right choice as he saw the Garen was playing Jungle not Baron lane.

"This dude... is he actually going Garen Jungle? well.. garen does have the abilities but.." Tyler exclaimed seeming to not get what the hell is erong with this dude's brain.

Chat: "Braindead OMEGALUL"

Back to Louc, His chat saw something weird or odd.. they seem to recoginze he name or ign of the other team, the ign of a certain player.. it was Tyler1!!

"OMEGALUL TYLER IS AT THE OTHER TEAM!! +86012" Chat kept spamming and spamming until Louc finally noticed.

"Tyler? Who's that?" He said confused as to who it is.

"Huh." Chat confused as well knowing now that their streamer doesn't know sh*t about twitch or famous people.

"Have you been living under a rock? How can you not know of the dude that runs down mid?" Chat spammed.

"Well.. i dont follow any news so i dont really know about this stuff i only found out now after you guys told me." Again confused by who it is, Louc just decided to ignore it, fearing that it may affect his gameplay.

"Ahaha he actually doesn't know Sadge. +10920"

Something has been bothering Louc for quite some time now.. and he finally remembered it.

'System can you show me my skill tab in League of legends? I forgot since i've been too focused on CS.



[League of Legends]


Extreme Concentration

Hit me b*tch (Dodging)

Kiss my Skills (Skillshots)

Where am i? (Rotation)

God's Eye (cannot see the position of the enemy enemy, maybe when it gets evolved. map hack.)

Strategic Leader



'Thanks.' Louc said feeling gratified once again. After Louc memorized his skills, the game started.

Welcome to Summoner's Rift, a faint low voice could be heard across the battlefield.

Meanwhile at Tyler's side, "Lets kill Garen, he should be at blue." He typed telling his team to invade/gank garen.

His team listened and currently they are making their way to Louc's Blue buff, already in position to kill him.

'.. why do i feel like something's wrong...' Louc could tell something's wrong and infact he is correct somehing's wrong he typed in chat, "Zed fiora come to me."

"Alright." Fiora and Zed said while running to Louc.

"hm? Where is zed and fiora?" Tyler said, while he was feeling suspicious something was going on..

Then a ward suddenly appeared on the bush the 4 of them was hiding on, Lee sin, vayne, braum, and darius was hiding, akali didn't go because she thought it would be a waste of time.

"Holy sh*t Wtf are they doing there??" Louc exclaimed outloud. "heh.. We can kill." he typed.

"Are you crazy??? Its a vayne + braum and there's a basketball player as well, if you get stunned by either one of them we are all dead." Both zed and fiora said.

"Get hit? When did i say i'll get hit?" he typed.

"Huh." Zed and fiora confused.

"Lets go in."

"F*ck, alright." Both zed and fiora said in chorus.

Tyler still not knowing what's happening, now knew as he saw 1 by 1 3 champions popping out of the fog, "Oh sh*t." he started Auto attacking garen while dashing/rolling with his skill, while darius and braum + lee sin started to initiate the fight.

"Just dodge the skills." Louc said.

"F*ck there's too many of them you dumba**" both zed and akali exclaimed outloud frustrated.

"Relax i got this." Louc said, and entered into a state that he has been in, like the one's in csgo, it was his [Extreme Concentration] acting up it was like the zone.

then Louc started dodging all of the skills that the 3 was putting out, Braum's If i hit you, you are gonna get stunned skill, Lee sin's Watch out or i'll dash to you skill, and Darius's spinning beyblade skill. Louc moved in irregular ways dodging all of the skills.. first braum's skill.. moving left side, and then Darius's spinning beyblade skill he moved towards darius to cancel out the damage done in the outside circle, then he started to move backwards to the right intending to dodge Lee sin's skills.

He succesfully dodged all of the skills and started auto attacking with his skill the moving fast i silence you skill, he started to move towards the vayne intending to go for the damage dealer first, he ignored darius and lee sin intending to leave them to bothe zed and fiora while he takes care of the adc.

"what the f*ck not even one of those skills hit him?" Tyler spouted out and sat frontward of his chair, he intends to take this seriously now, and started moving towards darius he knew that if he manages to get close to darius, there is in no way he will die, and most likely they'll get the kill on the 3 champs.

Once Louc saw Tyler moving towards darius he immediatley started pressuring even more and finally after 2 seconds he manages to hit Vayne, and slowed her down, 1 AA 2 AA 3 AA managing to damage Vayne further and he kept going and going, while the vayne still struggling to move herself to darius.

"WTF IS THIS DARIUS DOING?? CAN HE NOT SEE ME?!" Tyler started to curse outloud, because of the darius playing like a silver 2.

Louc kept AA'ing and kept lowering down the vayne's hp, meanwhile the 2 champs fighting along side him, Fiora intending to maintain her distance against the basketball player, and Zed maintaining his distance against lee as well casually using his shuriken skill.

*Bap* *Bap* hitting almost all of their skill shots Louc and his team is at an advantage after lowering all 3 champions health it was already almost able to kill them, then it started. The massacre.

Fiora started to go closer to darius hitting him until he got almost close to no health, and then the zed started to pressute lee aswell going closer and hitting + triggering his electrecute rune, doing alot more damage, next was Louc still Auto Attacking with his skill, now up after alot of time has passed since.

Vayne now in darius side, made a horrible mistake. Now that she is in darius side Louc can easily start directing his attack on darius 1 hp, eventually killing him.

You have slain an enemy.

He then directed his attack towards vayne again, AA.. AA.. aa.. lowering Vayne's health to a considerable amount to kill her.

Double kill!

Louc then looked at the side of his screen seeing the lee with no health anymore he flashed and Auto attacked him as well.

Triple kill!!

then he started to direct his auto attack towards braum, which had half health. aa.. aa.. aa.. Braum no more health tried to flash away but to no extent Louc got his final aa in..

Quadra kill!

Chat: "... did he really just use his flash to kill the lee..?"

Zed and fiora "What the f*ck man that was my kill!!"

"I need the kills for gold now shut up and leave, stop bothering me."

Zed and fiora defeated started to move towards their lanes with their heads down.

Chat: ".... how shameless."