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Can you stop?

After Louc got the quadra kill on Lee, Vayne, Braum, and Darius he took his blue (smited) and started heading to the enemie's red buff, judging by the time span, the Lee should still be farming his red.

"Come with me zed." he typed

"What? Why?" The zed asked muddled not knowing why.

"Just come dont waste the time idiot." Louc uttered.

"alright fine." The zed finally giving up followed Louc.

Louc and zed directed both of their characters towards the red buff of the enemy team.

"Do you have ward?" Louc typed.

"I have"

"Alright put a ward on the red."

"What? but he'll know we are there if i put one infront of his face."

"So what? just put it dont waste time idiot." Louc getting irritated, but calmed down becaude of his ability.

"Alright." Zed said

Zed planted a ward on the red buff, and to his surprise Lee really is there. Zed immediatley used his shadow clone and threw his shurikens + his spin skill procing his electrecute resulting in half health Lee sin, Louc then went in aswell with his 1st skill, and started aa'ing the lee sin, he then used his beyblade skill, and lowered the lee sin further, Lee sin then used his flash to try and escape but it was meaningless, he got ignited by zed, he was already at 1 hp, so he just had to wait and he would've died but, Louc controlled his character and ran to Lee taking the kill.


"F*ck you! if you had just waited it would've been my kill!" Zed roared making his neighbors shout at him to be quiet.

"I need gold! Can you not understand?? Shut up man." Louc typed.

Chat: "I didn't know our God L was this shamless.."

Louc then took the red buff and the wolves and made his way to the river, intending to take the scuttler.

"... sh*t the garen's fed." Tyler uttered.

"Braum protect me, later on this garen will be up my a**." He typed letting braum know.

"Alright i gotcha."

Meanwhile Tyler's chat..

"Aahahha KEKW SOY BAD."



"Ahaha God L is too powerful."

"God L? Who's that?"

"You dont know? Its the garen on the other side, he is a csgo god."

"Really? Lmao, does he stream?"

"Yeah he is streaming right now, his twitch name is Lucifer."

A bunch of people took notice and began to type, the name on the search engine, and to their surprise there really is a stream, and it really is the garen!

"AHAHAHHAA KEKW" A bunch of people started spamming on Louc's and Tyler's stream.

"This garen is too good." A bunch of people shared the sream on multiple, social media's eventually breaking the records of both Tyler and Louc's streams.

"What the f*ck, why are there so many people so sudden?" Tyler expressed.

"YOU'RE PLAYING AGAINST A CSGO GOD." the chat spammed until the page needed to restart.

"Who?" Tyler bewildered not knowing what the f*ck is going on.

"ITS THE GAREN ITS THE GAREN ITS THE GAREN." They started another chain until it finally deafened and returned to normal, just twice the amount of viewers typing.

Back to the game. Louc's team is up up up hig hon the economy/gold count there is currently a difference 3 thousand gold, due to the fact that Lee sin hasn't been able to farm because of Louc's movements.

its been 4 minutes and Louc is starting to plan a gank on bot lane, he wanted to kill the vayne + braum to disable their gold/economy abit.

"Ganking bot." He typed.


"Got it." Both the alistar and tristana said, they have full confidence that they could kill both braum and vayne, because finally after hundreds of games, they finally had a good jungler.

Tristana then moved forward to bait the vayne and braum to move forward. Alistar moved aswell.

Braum and vayne started getting aggressive and tried to issue a team fight, and then all of a sudden.

*Bam* Alistar's q, e, w could be heard ringing out and it hit both vayne nd braum.

Louc then went out of the bush and rushed towards vayne.

"Sh*t PROTECT ME YOU FAT DUMB F*CK!!" Tyler yelled to the top of his lungs.

"PROTECT PROTECT PROTECT HIM." The chat started a spamming spree once again.

Louc initiated his Q, moving towards vayne giving him movement speed, Vayne and braum still stunned can't make a move just let it happen, and let Louc hit his Auto Q attack, silencing and slowing vayne in the process. finally vayne and braum moved, but to no extent the tristana jumped behind them and used her ult to push them back slowing them, braum used his ult to stun the tristana and garen, but to his surprise Louc flashed and avoided the ult, Garen then yelled.

"DEMACIA!" It was overpowering the yell could be heard inside their headphone's giving Louc a sense of satisfaction.


Louc then directed his attention to the braum and started AA'ing him lowering his health to half, tristana and alistar, aa'ed him as well causing his to take a massive degrade, Alistar stunned him with his q, finally up and ready to stun, stunned and pinned him.


"CAN YOU STOP?" Tyler having a series of meltdown, screamed to top of his lungs. Thid will surely make it to one of those Tyler 1 screaming compilations.


"Why can't i get a jungler like that?" Tyler expressed his feelings, showing himself being sad, but eventually returned to back to his normal state.

"We can still win im using vayne, vayne late game should teach this garen a lesson." Tyler spoke, now heading to his lane once again to farm more minions.

but to his dismay.. he doesn't know what's coming..