“Eighty years ago, the parishioners built the new sanctuary, the one we use today. After they moved, this building has been left unused,” Emil explained.
The dim lantern light illuminated the space’s potential. It was dirty and dank, but that could be fixed.
“It needs a good washing and maybe a fresh coat of paint,” Leander said.
“Smells like there’s some water damage. I could probably locate the source in the light,” Emil added.
They left the building and returned to the parish house, where the dinner dishes sat waiting for attention. They continued to discuss the project while they cleaned up.
“We have the space, but do you suppose we could get it fixed up within your maintenance budget?” Leander asked.
“We can definitely get it cleaned up and get that leak fixed,” Emil said. “But it’ll need some more money to truly make it a place where people want to drop their children off and a ministry the church is proud of.”
“But can we get it running without too much trouble?”