“Yes, you see, I think the ones against people like my sister are jealous of them. I mean, my sister is with a woman who truly loves her and they are free from the burdens of child rearing. If you look at all the lawmakers and their arranged marriages, I’m sure they’re jealous of the choices they themselves were denied.” She took another bite and stared at her plate while she chewed.
He and Emil remained silent and stared at her. She swallowed and continued. “I think anyone choosing their life the way they want is taking great risks in today’s day and age, but their rewards are great. I mean, look at me, I did exactly what my parents and society expected. I got married.I had a houseful of kids. NowI’m struggling to raise them and keep my husband healthy at the same time. Look at my sister. She’s an accomplished teacher, she goes home to a healthy friend, whom she loves, but because of her choices, my mother never did talk to her as long as she lived.”