Chapter 46

“Please don’t take this as a flippant diminishing of the experience of loss within the church.” He paused. Tears formed in his eyes; they always did when he thought of Emil. “I, too, have dealt with the guilt and grief from the fire, the property, the ministry, and the lives lost. It’s been a tough year for all of us.

“No one knows the pain of loss like the parents of the two children who were taken from us. Taken at such a young age, with so much potential before them. Only God knows what they might have accomplished. This auditorium named after them is only a small token of our sympathy to the parents so we may continue to remember these angels.

“Even if you weren’t directly involved with the day nursery, there has been a bit of a stigma attached to our parish. For that, I apologize profusely and can only pray for our critics who condemn us.