Basil got off the bike and adjusted the carburetor again. “This should do it.” He climbed back on the bike and pumped the throttle.
“Don’t flood the bloody thing,” Leander said.
“I won’t,” Basil snapped as he jumped on the starter one more time. The engine started.
Leander stared straight ahead to hide his fear from Basil. The leather jacket was even hotter with the added heat coming off the engine.
“Put the goggles on!” Basil shouted and revved the engine. Leander complied. Basil let out the clutch and gave the motorbike petrol. The bike lurched forward; Leander braced himself against the front of the sidecar and gave Basil a look through his goggles. Basil’s evil grin melted across his face as he gave the bike more petrol and it accelerated. They were finally off for their picnic in the country.