Chapter 69

“You see, gentlemen, we have an opportunity to help the British people embrace change and move our society forward,” Twelve said. “To me, it’s not unlike the end of the slave trade less than one hundred years ago. We have a real opportunity to affect social change.”

“But he did commit a crime,” Seven said. “If not sodomy, he was an instrument of adultery.”

“This trial is not about adultery,” Twelve said. “This is about homosexuality.”

“And that is a crime in this country, sir,” Seven said.

Three took a deep breath. “But that’s exactly what we’re trying to say here. Although the law is there, we have a chance to change attitudes and create a new precedent. Maybe one day the laws will be changed, and we’ll be able to have some claim to being a part of that change.” 43

1906, Southampton

“That was wonderful,” Basil said as they lay in bed after an afternoon of carnal pleasure.

“Thank you,” Leander said, giving him a peck on the cheek.