Chapter 73

“Where is Mr. Shocking?” he asked.

“He went to use the telephone,” Mr. Davenport said. “When he returned, he said he needed to check on Mrs. Shocking. He left you this.” Mr. Davenport handed him a note written in Basil’s hand.

Leander took a deep breath and unfolded the letter.


First of all, thank you for a delightful afternoon. I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together today. Just as you said, Peter is a delightful boy.

Please forgive my rudeness, but I don’t think this is the lifestyle for me. I enjoy your companionship and I adore the boy. I just can’t imagine a secret life sneaking around behind closed doors.

If you don’t understand now, I’m sure you will in time. I hope we’ll be able to maintain the platonic relationship that started this mess at some point in the future.

In sincere friendship,

B. Shocking

The color drained from Leander’s face so fast it alarmed the Davenports.

“Is everything all right, sir?” Mrs. Davenport asked.