He heard a sort of humming and realized it came from him. Even as his fingers itched to bury within the strands of Jason’s hair, Jason groaned and flipped him onto his back once more. He felt Jason yanking at his jeans without bothering to undo the snaps. He lifted up a little to make it easier.
Jason broke their kiss and abruptly stood. He bent over the bed and pulled off Danny’s jeans and shoes the rest of the way. His sneakers went flying.
Danny swallowed, startled by the blazing lust in Jason’s gaze. “In the bathroom, under the sink.”
His lover disappeared, so he used the opportunity to get rid of his boxer briefs. He threw them toward the straw hamper in the corner of his bedroom.
A fully naked Jason came back into his view and stood over him holding the lube. He’d already dressed his rigid cock with a condom. He dropped the tube of lube onto Danny’s stomach.
Jason knelt on the bed beside him.