Chapter 10

Once he had everything he wanted, safely stashed in the pockets of his tuxedo, he waited—certain Moony would be back again before the evening ended. It took an hour, but his wait was rewarded, and when Moony let several people into the room, Tino left.

It only took Moony a second to realize he’s been robbed, but by that time Tino was dashing down the stairs at the speed of, well, a vampire with the ability to race like the wind. He was out of the house, standing on the path beside the circular driveway, when the first alarms went off. Still invisible, he paused when he realized he had no idea where his car was parked or where the valets kept the keys. He saw one of them and started toward him, intending to go visible just long enough to compel the young man to give him his keys, and tell him where to find his car, before wiping his memory.

Tino heard a low laugh behind him. Spinning around, he saw no one. But he felt the presence of another vampire—Armand, to be exact.