Martin received another kiss, and this time Colin's hat stayed in place. “I love you so much.”
“Love you more.”
“Oi, you two, get a room,” Matt said. “This one’s ours.”
“Leave ’em alone. It’s wonderful,” Bruce told him. “But, yes, if you two would bugger off I could, uh, bugger my lover.”
Colin and Martin laughed.
“I still have one more part to your gift,” Colin told Martin.
Martin wasn’t sure he could cope with more.
“Uncle Matt has agreed to loan us one of his horses. I thought we could ride out somewhere, have a breakfast picnic, and…”
Someone sniggered from the bed.
“And what will you two be doing while we’re out?” Colin asked.
This led to increased giggling. Martin could well imagine what the two newly declared lovers were about to do, and if they didn’t leave soon he and Colin would have front row seats.
“I think we better leave ’em to it,” Colin said.
“What about saddling the horse?” Martin’s words were silenced by another kiss.