Chapter 38

Martin’s stomach rumbled. Colin tickled it. “Is my man hungry?” He looked over at the foil-wrapped packages Nance had given them before they had set out, telling them the special breakfast was part of her Christmas present to them.

Martin grinned. His hand moved downward and cupped Colin’s rising erection through the denim. “I’m hungry for this. It’s one-hundred percent prime cowboy meat.”

Colin groaned. His new Wranglers didn’t leave much room for expansion.

Martin seemed to sense this and began to unbutton the fly. Colin hadn’t realised just how adept his husband was at getting a man out of his clothes.

“But we best not leave him out in the sun too long, otherwise he’ll burn,” Martin said before lowering his mouth onto Colin’s straining dick.

“Oh, Jesus,” Colin gasped as Martin’s velvet blender went to work.