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Chapter 27

Also, Charlie wrote me to wish me well, and even my boss agreed to give me some time off despite the very short notice. My parents call regularly, both to find out if I’m fine and if I’m sure about what I’m doing. They also let me know they aren’t very enthusiastic about my decision, hoping I’ll change my mind.

Anyway, let me reiterate how I’m feeling. I’m not happy. And I’m not happy to not be happy because I’m supposed to be. I should be here dancing the Macarena, not staring out of the window like a goldfish in an aquarium. Same enthusiasm, same intelligent look.

I pick up my cell phone and read Sean’s message again with a smile. I don’t know what this Irishman did to me—yes, I know it’s just a phrase—but I really want to talk to him.

I call him even before I wonder if I should.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Upis a two letter word.” I’m funny, aren’t I?

I hear Sean laughing and I smile, too, looking outside my aquarium, imagining a completely different landscape beyond the glass.