Your son is at my Tudor. Colby rode his bike here. He’s safe. No worries.
Relieved, I received a hit back on my cellphone almost immediately from Dugan.
On my way. Sorry about this. He’s always running off. Typical thing kids do these days, I guess.
It felt good to read Dugan’s words, knowing that he had made contact with me. But I really didn’t read too much into it since the text message was about Colby and not me. Whatever. We were no longer together. No longer acting like lovers. I had to be an adult about the situation and move forward, just as he did.
I poured tap water into a tall plastic cup and carried it to Colby.As he took a long sip, I sat down across from him in a high-backed reading chair and crossed my own legs.
“What’s this about? Let me guess. You came here to yell at me because I’m not kissing your dad anymore and we’re not hanging out at Mazeworld.”
He shook his little head.