WebNovelThe Diner28.21%

Chapter 11

“Do. And now I should let you go. Maggie, he’s going to be alright. Who knows, maybe the doctor missed something and he’s just got a bad case of the flu.”

“I hope that’s it, John. I just worry.”

“Of course you do.”

They ended the conversation on that note and John set to work seeing what he could find out about Mr. Dalca, although at that point he had the feeling it would turn out to be make-work and nothing more, given what Maggie had told him.

* * * *

Noah spent much of the next two days after his talk with Arik Dalca trying to decide if Cody was right. Didhe want to try something new and different? He’d worked for the Irish Rose almost from the time he’d graduated from high school. That was four years of doing the same thing day in and day out. He liked the job, but still…