“Grenade,” they called out simultaneously.
In his stocking feet, Rory was right in front of Bond, who had his jacket in hand now. They raced for the front door just as Edward—the team member who’d been watching the house—flung it open, revolver in hand. Not missing a beat, Edward swung around and led the way out of the house in case the attack had been a ruse to kill Bond as he stepped out the front door. Rory stepped behind Bond and sandwiched him safely between them.
“As soon as I saw on the monitor a bear that wasn’t a bear was tossing something, I called 911,” Edward said.
Sirens screamed and a fire engine rolled into view followed by a paramedic ambulance and a sheriff’s car. Uniformed men and women poured out as their doors opened.
Rory had seen white smoke rising from the basement stairs as they’d run past. “Stun grenade.”
“Maybe, but something’s burning,” Bond said in surprise and anger. These weapons weren’t meant to trigger fires.