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Chapter 58

Dan turned at the sound of the female voice to see a strikingly beautiful woman coming out of the house, carrying a large tray laden with burgers and brats ready to be grilled. She was tall and slender and had the same strawberry blond hair as the twins. This had to be Adalin, Scott’s wife

He looked at Scott. Of course, this handsome hunk of a man would have a beautiful wife such as this. They looked like they had just stepped out of a TV ad for a romantic get-away at a secluded tropical resort.

“The chef’s right here,” Scott called. “Come on, Dan. I want you to meet Adalin.”

Dan took a deep breath, smiled, and followed Scott to where Adalin was standing, holding the tray of food. Scott took it from her and set it on a table beside a large gas grill.

“Adalin, this is Dan,” he said, once more placing a hand lightly on Dan’s shoulder.