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Chapter 59

“Okay, sure. I’d love to,” he said, much to the twins delight. He noticed—or was it his imagination—that Scott’s smile deepened at Dan’s acceptance of the invitation.

As they all got up to leave, Greta called out, “Whoa there, Kyle—you, too, Erick. You’re going to stay here and help Adalin with the clean-up. You won’t be any help in the barn. You’ll only be in the way. I suspect what you’re really up to is trying out Scott’s new horseshoe pit.”

Kyle and Erick looked at each other and grinned sheepishly.

“Busted,” Kyle said.

But the two men good-naturedly began to help with clearing away the dishes and leftovers.

The rest trouped out to the barn. When they got there the twins began arguing about who would go first in the wash rack.

“Shadow takes too long. He’s white and has all those poop stains, “ Sarah complained. “I need to do Sugar first cuz it takes longer to braid her mane than it does to do western bands, and if you go first I’ll be here forever!”