“Yes. But this time, I brought two others.” I rattled off numbers and letters, which baffled him.
We walked side by side, heading for the woods and his Deep. The temperature dropped beneath twenty degrees, and white exhalations exited from our mouths as if we were dragons. I thought it would snow at any second, but it didn’t.
He attempted to clutch my hand once, but I pulled away, cautious not to fall for him anymore than I already had.
“What other photography things do you have in your bag?”
I rambled at his side as we trotted through the bitter cold, telling him, “I have a variety of lenses, lens wipes, lens pens, batteries, filters, memory cards, plastic gloves, gaffer tape, and the list goes on and on. The thing is heavy, but everything’s in there that I need.”
“You’re quite the professional, but I guess I already knew that.”
“Call me whatever you want, Timber. I just try to get the job done to my best abilities.”