Chapter 40

“Told them they were misinformed, but they were free to search the premises. They did, taking his word for it that he ran an evasive driving school for agencies who handled bodyguard work—private, public, and government. Since he had the papers to prove it, the search was cursory at best.”

Dylan blew out a long breath. “This has got to end, damn it. Yeah, I killed Tommy…Samson, but I’m—” He shrugged “—paying my dues I guess, by joining C21. If Webb keeps up the harassment, I’ll be less than useless.”

“Which is why you—why all of us—are here. To figure out how to stop him.” Jonah thumbed through a file on the table before continuing. “We have an unverified report he’s set up a new operation just outside the city.”

Mars frowned. “Why unverified?”