Cox nodded. “May I ask how you heard about me?”
Ken replied, “From your website, of course. Isn’t that how most people do it?”
“Indeed. I was just wondering if someone had personally recommended me. No matter.” Cox glanced at Sean. “If you’d like to rejoin us, I’ll tell you both how this works.”
Sean sat, perching on the edge of the chair, staring intently at Cox.
“Another question first,” Cox said. “Are your employers aware you’re married?”
“God, no! Mine doesn’t even know I’m gay,” Sean replied tersely. “Kit’s are aware he’s gay, but that’s it.”
“All right. Good to know. I don’t want to do anything in setting things up that imperil your continued employment.” For a quick second, Cox looked—triumphant was the only way Sean could describe it. As if he knew he had the hold over them if they decided to report him to the authorities the way two other of his clients had—before dropping their complaints.
“Now,” Cox continued, “do you want an open or closed adoption?”