Chapter 93

“What we don’t, we take home with us for breakfast.”

“God, you’re one of those.”

Ken shrugged. “What can I say? Cold pizza for breakfast is the bomb.”

“Umm, how old are you? That phrase went out with the 90s.”

“Twenty-eight.” Ken took a slice of pizza, biting off the tip. “This is—”

“The bomb?” Sean shook his head before trying a slice. “Yeah, it is.”

“I don’t know where I picked that up, but it stuck with me.”

“If you say so, Daddy-O.”

“That is so last year, Sean.”

“More like from the 50s, which, by the way, were way before my time.”

“No kidding. You’re younger than me.”

“By a year.”

“Still younger,” Ken pointed out before concentrating on eating.

As Sean predicted, they didn’t finish the pizza. “So you’ll have breakfast tomorrow,” Sean commented while Ken paid the bill. After the waitress put the remaining slices in a carry-out box, they left the restaurant, going back to the condo.